
The Durban Africa Sports club was founded on a need to serve the underprivileged and the community at large via the interaction and inherent harmony in team sports. At this point DASC focuses on soccer development with plans to increase its portfolio of sporting codes over the next few years. Founded five years ago DASC (milo) started as part of a soccer development program that engaged over 4000 learners from 70 schools. During this program it was evident that was there was real need amongst the young underprivileged and lower economic groups for nurturing and development of their sporting talent.

The high flyers identified during this program were taken to the next level of participating at club level. During the past 3 years the DASC club team has been unbeaten at league level and has one won numerous Cups and tournaments which is solid proof of the coaching and support structure within DASC. DASC as an organization seeks not only to service the needs of the children within its soccer team but also is actively engaged with serving the community at large. To this end DASC regularly provides recreational sports activities for various orphanages and community organizations. Ensuring that the children within the club are given holistic development DASC has run a Life Skills Week workshop annually for the last three years. This is supported by motivational speakers, sporting personalities and industry professionals who impart financial and life skills over the duration of the workshop. 

DASC’s next major milestone is the development of a Centre of Sports Excellence which will combine sporting and scholastic development for the underprivileged and SAFA accredited) all of whom are volunteers. This year will focus in development in the under 6-8 years and under 11 age groups. We will make maximum use of the all funding given to the club to serve our club children and the wider community.  

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