Road to KZN Sports Award 2023
November 02, 2023 01:47 am

Durban Africa Sports Club received their certificate award for being one of the nominees in the category of the Best Recreation Body in KZN for the KZN Sports Awards 2023. Maggie Govender, Kercy Moodley, Babes Govender, Bulewa Squashe and Sharon Surajpal were present for the handover with DSR official, Khethiwe Mhlongo. This is for the club is a great achievement in making the community proud.

Head coach DASC Babes Govender said he places on record, "Thanks to DSAC and KZN Confederation, for the nomination, we must thank our sponsors, SA Fasteners, Dr Anu Ramnarain, George Ramalu Trust, Umongo Petroleum, Music Box, Vindoh Namchunder and all schools associated with DASC. This includes parents, educators, coaches and learners. Special thanks to West Park School, Principal Les Perumal for allowing us usage of the sports facility. We will continue to uplift our children from various walks to excel in sports.

The KZN Sports Awards 2023, takes place this Saturday, November 4th. We wish our team and all the nominees all the best.

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