Why Physical Education And Sport Must Be Taught At Schools
August 29, 2023 04:24 pm


​Research By Coach Babes DASC


The provision of physical education is in decline across all world regions. Rising levels of physical education inactivity along with the substantial risk have been described as a pandemic by the World health organization.

Physical education is the most powerful medicine for present and future health issues. For the body mind and spirit.

AS a sports coach over the years I believe that physical education is an important part of the total educational program. The physical education program will provide students with physical activity opportunities both in and out of school through a differentiated program that fosters a lifetime commitment to physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle.

These prospective teachers find themselves in an educational landscape with historical and political dilemmas that can be traced back to 1990.

PE teachers should ask themselves given the historical contextual landscape of the subject, is there a need for this subject during and after this pandemic.

The pandemic has highlighted the inequalities in our so-called modern society where diabetes, cardiovascular, and many other preventable diseases make people more vulnerable to COVID19.

Instead, we are sitting with poor PE curriculum and poorly teachers have to implement it. Most of our universities have ditched the training of specialized PE teachers in the wake of the failed Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) project of the 1990s.

A decade of large –scale rationalization of teachers that affected mainly under-resourced schools. The reshaping of the old Apartheid curriculum into prep-government of the National Unity curriculum undoubtedly led to the demise of the subject.

The racist PE curriculum under the Apartheid regime, which prepared white boys for military service, was replaced by a watered downturn-pedagogical series of senseless exercises as part of curriculum 2005.

By 2005 the subject was dead in most public schools and exist only in name or in the reports of subject advisors. The OBE made specialist PE teachers redundant at schools, which resulted in many taking the Voluntary Severance Packages. This left the subject in the hands of teachers with “free-periods”

In the wake of the collapse of PE into Life Orientation in 1996, these bursaries were discontinued resulting in fewer students opted for physical Education. The current demand (or lack thereof) for physical Education remains market-driven.

The problem we face in education now is that learners need to know about health and their bodies and how to protect themselves first. This is what PE teachers do, or ought to do.

If we forgot our history, we will perpetuate past and present inequalities in our school sport and physical education systems.

Physical education is an important part of a student’s comprehensive, well-rounded education program and a means of positively impacting life-long health and well-being.

Physical education will also in-still students with the knowledge, skills, and values to make appropriate physical activity choices to integrate exercise into their lives.

I believe that all students R-12 including our special needs children should provide quality physical education under the instruction and supervision of a highly qualified physical education teacher/coach.

The physical education program must have the unique opportunity to develop health-related physical fitness and lifetime activities that promote physical competence, cognitive understanding, and attitudes about physical activity so all students can develop healthy active lifestyles

High-quality physical education enhances the physical, mental and social/emotional development of every student and incorporates fitness education and assessment to help students understand and improve their physical wellbeing 

Besides the physical education program plays an essential role in reversing the growing epidemic of childhood obesity.

Quality physical education programs provide learning experiences for children that meet the developmental needs of students which helps improves their mental alertness, academic performances, readiness to learn, and enthusiasm for learning.

All students have the right to experience success in physical education. As a result of participating in physical education, the successful student will have the opportunity to:

  • Demonstrate motor skills and movement patterns to perform a variety of physical activities
  • Choose a physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and social interaction
  • Utilize appropriate motor skills, tactics, and movement concepts principles while participating regularly in physical activity.

Let us do otherwise and argue in favour of a need for physical education in our schools.


The philosophy behind physical education entails principles that teach students the mechanics of physical activity it’s important and how they can and should remain physically active on their own. Good physical education affects the health and economics of individuals and an entire nation.

​Physical education is a sub-discipline of the philosophy of education which is a division of philosophy proper. At the beginning of the 19th century the terms “sport and physical education” cooperative games and extracurricular” games days”  at schools, in Britain sports activities were introduced in schools during the mid-1900s. Physical education in schools eventually spread all over the world.

Physical Education is a program in which skills used in sport, dance, and exercise are taught and practiced. This program in the total process of education focuses on developing and utilizing the individual’s voluntary, purposeful movement capabilities and directly related mental, emotional, and social responses.

A physical education school program takes place in a specialized learning environment. It incorporates many planned conditions and stimuli specifically intended to encourage or provide opportunities for physical, social-emotional, and intellectual responses through which the student may be changed, modified, or educate in desirable ways. Physical education is concerned with growth, development, and proper maintenance throughout life.

John Ratey an associate Professor Psychiatry at Harvard University has stated, ” Exercise is like Miracle-Gro for the brain,” so when anyone says we cannot afford to have physical education in our schools because it takes up too much time, please let them know of all the research which conclusively shows how exercise builds brain cells and improve academics, and just by elevating your heart rate you can lift your mood, beat stress, sharpen your intellect, and function better.


 It is no secret that physical activity is necessary for a person’s well-being.

Children are continuously developing physically and emotionally they are especially affected by the benefits of activity and inversely the negative effects of inactivity.


Exercise improves self- image. Exercise increases self- esteem, and confidence. Exercise reduces stress and anxiety. Exercise helps you to make friends. Exercise improves academic skills. Teamwork and cooperation. Exercise deters depression. Exercise helps you sleep.


Daily physical activity strengthens your heart muscles helping prevent heart diseases and stroke. It lowers blood pressure and helps fight obesity by reducing body fat. Teaches you self -discipline


Schools must provide physical education programs to ensure that each child stays active.


Lady Michelle Obama’s initiative Let’s Move reports that nearly one-third of U.S. children are overweight or obese and that schools are a key

Setting for children to get their 60 minutes of play with moderate to vigorous activity given the significant portion of the time they spend there.



Sports play an important role in educating children as it teaches them to become strong from inside and also develop a fit and sound body.

​Exercise pumps more oxygen through your blood and makes your entire system more active the benefits of playing sports include giving you more energy to accomplish everything else you need to do to manage your busy college. As the saying goes ’’ All work and no play makes Jack a Dull boy”. It has been forgotten that academic learning and sports education complement each other. They resemble the two sides of the same coin. If sports education is carried out accompanied by the academic curriculum, the overall personality of the students is increased to quite an extent. The qualities of leadership, sharing team spirit, and tolerance are learned from sports.


Sports education not only teaches the students to maintain the physical stamina, but also the habit of obedience, discipline the determination to win, willpower. The power of reasoning, mental development vocational specialization comes from the academic education of the students. Therefore sports education along with academics results in the all-round development of the students.


Currently today the system of education makes the students stress more on their mental development and completely rejects the physical activities. The overall outcome of this is that developing groups of graduates and professionals have weak bodies and poor physique.

The curriculum should include sports, games, and physical health education for the all-round developments of the students.


Sports education should be introduced in schools and colleges with sincerity. A healthy and strong body is not possible without sports and physical activities.


A good sportsperson always learns to obey the rules of the games and the comments of their superiors. It also teaches them leadership qualities, maintaining teamwork, and displaying team spirit. Sports education trains the students to face defeat with a smile and maintain humility even in victory.



​Throughout history, the sport has played a variety of important functions in society as a form of recreation. Sports have undergone many changes some have stayed such as (wrestling) while others have adapted with the time.


One of the oldest recorded forms of the sport was bull-leaping in the Greek island of Crete where slaves jumped over the horns of a bull. The ancient Greeks were lovers of sport and taught it to their children at school.

The main activities were running, jumping, discus and javelin ball games gymnastics and riding as well as military skills.


In 776 BC in Greece, the Olympics games started and were linked to religious festivals. Each athlete had to take part in all the events


Roman sports were influenced by the GREEK, but they added their Chariot racing and gladiator fights were held at large sporting events.


At the start of th19th century, sports became more organized and the development of modern sports started

At the start of the 20th century, more persons are not playing but also watching.

One of the most significant development is the growth of television sports.

The sport will continue to change and develop in the future as technology progresses. The standard of sports has continued to be influenced by social change, commercialization, media sponsorship, government, and education.



Sport and physical education are often confused with each other in modern society. Most people presume that physical education must only involve sports. Sport leaves a larger footprint compared to physical education.

The two fields, sport, and physical education impact positively on society.

The important activities for the children in their developing stages. To compound their importance they are must-have in primary schools including special needs children.


Definition of Physical Education

Physical education involves the instructions given in physical exercises and games, especially in schools. A sports instruction may be given for competitive purposes. Physical education is not necessary with the goal of getting the students into any competition. It is solely for physical and health fitness.

Definition of Sport

Sport is defined as any activity that involves physical exertion and skill where an individual or team competes against each other for entertainment or rewards. It usually comprises all forms of competitive physical activities or games where through organized or casual participation, the students aim to use maintain or their physical ability for enjoyment, entertainment, or rewards.


The Importance of Sport in Modern Society

It can be argued that sports a continuous social experiment in which mankind shows its potential. Sport as a significant impact on the socio-economic and political processes of any modern society


Now day’s complex socio-economic, psychological and ecological situation in the world is placing new demands to various sectors of

People of all. 

It should be noted that even today the problem of promotion of various types of physical culture and sport among diverse populations. It is obvious that in a variety of ways enhance the general resistance of people organism to the modern diverse effects of various kinds particularly important this problem health among young, spread among them of diseases, that threatens the economic intellectual and societal stability of our society in very near future. The sport takes a special place in the process of development of modern mass sport (Nicholoson2008)


Modern sport is also a microcosm of modern society and therefore the most important problems of modern sport are similar to the basic problems of mood and deception drug use, gambling, alcoholism, control of violence, environmental protection social, political and international relations, as a sport as an integral part of the dialectics of international relations, it can be used as a means of strengthening the political power, but on the other hand, understanding of the nations, as the sport has an opportunity to consolidate peace, especially in times of international tension it can help to stabilize international relations


Sports as a huge impact in society

Sports teach morality, integrity, and ambition: are exciting amusing, and challenging. But most of all they bring us hope. There can be many instrumental development objectives and lessons realized through sports.

The value is sometimes underestimated but as anyone knows who has ever been to any sporting event it can reshape the foundation of a community.


There’s just something about the dynamic of the sport that transcends all

Social, political, and ethnic barriers.


The World Health Organisation estimates physical education is responsible for close to 2 million deaths each year globally. It further estimates that few than one-third of young people in countries around the world are adequately active to benefit their present and future health and well-being.


Regular physical activity is important for building and maintaining healthy bones muscles and joints. Acquiring better fitness levels also helps control feelings of anxiety and depression. On 21 November 1978 the International Charter of Physical Education and SPORT was adopted.


In the preamble recalling that in the United Nations Charter the peoples proclaimed their faith fundamental human rights and in the dignity and worth of the human person and affirmed their determination to promote social progress and better standards of life.


Believing that physical and sport should make a more effective contribution to the inculcation of fundamental human values underlying the full development of people.


Stressing accordingly that physical education and sport should seek to promote closer communion between people and between individuals together with disinterested emulation, solidarity and fraternity, mutual respect and understanding, and full respect for the integrity and dignity of human beings.


Considering that to integrate physical education and sport in the natural environment is to enrich them and to inspire the respect of the earth’s resources and a concern to conserve them and use them for the greater good of humanity as a whole. 


The importance of peace and friendship among peoples of co-operation between the international governmental and non- governmental organizations responsible for physical education and sport.


​Every human being has a fundamental right of access to physical education and sport, which are essential for the full development of his personality. The freedom to develop physical intellectual and moral powers through education and sport must be guaranteed both within the education system and in other aspects of social life.


Everyone must have full opportunities, by his national tradition of sport for practicing physical education and sport developing his physical fitness and attaining a level of achievement in a sport that corresponds to his gifts.


Special opportunities must be made available for young people, including children of pre-school age for the aged and the handicapped inclusive with children of special needs to develop their personalities to the full through physical education and sports programs suited to their requirements.




Physical education and sport as an essential dimension of education and culture must develop the abilities, will-power, and self-discipline of every human being as a fully integrated member of society. The continuity of physical activity and the practice of sports must be ensured throughout life utilizing a global, lifelong, and democratized education.


At the individual level physical education and sport contribute to the maintenance and improvement of health, provide a wholesome leisure-time occupation and enable man to overcome the drawbacks of modern living, At a community level, they enrich social relations and develop the fair play, which is essential not only to the sport itself but also to life in society.


The education system must assign the requisite place and importance to physical education and sport to establish a balance and strengthen links between physical activities and other components of education.




Physical education and sports programs must be designed to suit the requirements and personal characteristics of those practicing them as well as the institutional, cultural socio-economic and climatic conditions of each country. They must give priority to the requirements of disadvantaged groups in society.


The process of education in general physical education and sports programs must, by both their content and timetables help to create habits and behavior patterns conducive to the full development of the human person.




All personnel who assumes professional responsibility for physical education and sport must have appropriate qualifications and training.

They must be carefully selected and given preliminary as well as further training to ensure that they reach adequate levels of specialization.


Voluntary personnel, given appropriate training and supervision, can make an invaluable contribution to the comprehensive development of sport and encourage the participation of the community in the practice and organization of physical and sports activities.


Proper structures must be established for the training of the personnel for physical education and sport.




Adequate and sufficient facilities and equipment most provide and installed to meet the needs of intensive and safe participation in both in-school and out of school programs concerning physical education and sport.


It is incumbent on government, public authorities, schools, and private agencies at all levels to join forces and plan together to provide and make optimum use of installations, facilities, and equipment for physical education and sport.


Plans for rural and urban development must include provision for long-term needs in the matter of installations, facilities and equipment for physical education and sport taking into account the opportunities offered by the natural environment




Research and evaluation in physical and sport should make for the progress of all forms of sport and help to bring about an improvement in the health and safety of participants as well as in training methods and organization and management procedures. The education system will thereby benefit from innovation calculated to develop better teaching methods and standards of performance.


Scientific research whose social implications in this sphere should not be overlooked must be oriented in such a way that it does not allow for improper applications to physical education and sport.




Top-class sport and sport practiced by all must be protected against abuse. The serious dangers with which phenomena such as violence, doping, and commercial excesses threaten its moral values, images, and prestige pervert its very nature and change its educative and health-promoting function.


The voluntary sports association’s public authorities specialized in governmental organization, the Olympic Movement educators, parents, supporters club trainers, sports managers, and the athletes themselves to play in keeping and supporting and disseminating information about these efforts.


All sports authorities and sportsmen and women must be conscious of the risks to athletes and more especially to children and inappropriate training and psychological pressures of every kind.


No effort must be spared to highlight the harmful effects of doping. Which is both injurious to health and contrary to the sporting ethic, or to protect the physical and mental health of the athlete the virtues of fair play and competition the integrity of the sporting community and the rights of people participating in it at any level whatsoever.


The fight against doping must win the support of national and international authorities at various levels, and of parent’s educators, the medical profession, the media, trainers, sports managers and the athletes themselves to ensure that they abide by the principles set out in the existing texts and more particularly the International Olympic Charter against Doping in sport.




It is essential that everyone involved in the media be fully conscious of his responsibilities having regard to the social importance of the humanistic purpose and the moral values embodied in physical education and sport.



Media can have both a positive and negative effect on the sport. Consider the inspiring images from the Paralympic Games and how they change people’s perceptions of people with disabilities in our society. Compare that to the media coverage of athletes who are perceived to have failed in some way. Most people, whether or not they play or watch sport, are aware of sport through the media. This includes local, national, and international sport.


From school sports newsletters to worldwide TV coverage, the media is a powerful voice for and influence on the sport.

Types of media: TV, RADIO, FILMS, INTERNET, SOCIAL MEDIA (Facebook twitter snap chat Flickr channels)


Social media have impacted sports in many different ways, such as communication and sports marketing. Social media is one of the most important tools for sports fans and players. Organizations, clubs can use social media to promote their brand with the public.




  • Raise awareness of the sport
  • Promote healthy active lifestyles
  • Showcase sport’s positive values
  • Present positive and inspiring role models 
  • Set high standards for performance
  • Publicize a variety of sports and activities
  • Make sports more fashionable
  • Introduce more supporters to sport
  • Educate spectators through analysis
  • Celebrate effort and success
  • Give people a high status in society
  • Generate revenue and attract investment for the sport
  • Generate revenue for charity 



  • Intrude on the performer’s privacy
  • Undermine people’s confidence and careers
  • Showcase negative values and behavior
  • Undermine officials and their decisions
  • Dictate events schedules and availability
  • Alter competition rules and traditions
  • Edit coverage so it is incomplete or biased
  • Reduce spectator attendance at live events

Reinforce inequalities by limiting coverage to traditional sports or social groups and under-representing women’s black and minority ethnic and disability sport (bbc.co.uk/bite size/guides/zpzjxsa/rev./3)


Sport has played an important role in the uplifting recreational and reconstructive role from the earlier times. Since ancient Greeks, no one emphasizes physical as much as them. Sport played an important part in education and was included in the daily school program. It is vitally important necessary to improve physical programs in our schools and provide students and communities with ways to live a healthy lifestyle.

Today we need regular exercise to compensate for further loss of physical activity imposed on us by modern civilization.

Physiologically there is no doubt that sports participation is an opportunity to improve general health. Sports promote and stimulate physical growth and develop motor skills. Sport inspires us to perform better its discipline improves our ability to concentrate. Sports bring people into regular contact with one another which stimulates and develops social growth.

Social problems can be resolved by participation in sport. People all over the world are brought together to share a common interest. Research has clarified sports contribution to healthy human psychology and emotional development. Sport has untold value for the handicapped, to promote self-knowledge and self-esteem. The development of individual character is rooted in sport as it helps develop a positive attitude and sporting spirit.

​Economically and politically spectator sport has significant value for the nation the community and individuals. Although sport can be politically inspired to bring about change in the society, the nation and the world, sport should be kept out of the politicians.

Since sports education is dominant with many schools in question, still exist are physical (teachers) providing opportunities for our students to be physically active not only in the sports education model but physical fitness and health-related activities as well.

It appears that many schools are not adequately promoting physical education and health-related fitness amongst the children. (Bulgee, Mottr, Carbon and Wiegand 2004)


1. Mansell. B 1985 Sport for children –New Zealand Journal of Health, Physical Education and Recreation

2. Kirchner, G 1992 Physical education for elementary school children

3. Diem .C 1960 the position of sport in modern society and its education value

4. Contact@ inspira.edu.info

5. Reid HL (2012) the philosophy of Sport

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7. Johnston T.G. (2016) Physical Activity stories.

8. The sportdigest.com.

9. www.eductional journal (media)


11. www.bartley.com.

12www.cdc,gov.healthyschool/physical activity/facts htm 

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